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Lehigh Carbon Community College

For questions regarding Instructional Methods contact, LCCC Online at

FACE-TO-FACE CLASS provides traditional instruction in a classroom at the Schnecksville Campus or at the Allentown, Airport, or Tamaqua sites.

REMOTE CLASS provides a live, real-time, virtual classroom experience for students who do not attend class in person.

  • Students see the instructor’s presentation and have an opportunity to virtually interact with the instructor and other students.
  • Instructors hold class during the designated times on the college’s schedule and take attendance and require participation. Students are expected to schedule this class into their day or evening as if they were taking the class on an LCCC campus or site.
  • Remote classes use software, such as Zoom, that creates a virtual classroom.
  • Course assignments and assessments will be submitted and graded in the Canvas learning management system, accessible through the student’s mylccc portal.
  • Remote class sections are identified on the Course Search. “Remote” will be listed under the Location and the Site of these classes will be identified as “Distance Education.” Times and days will be noted on the schedule.
  • Students must have access to a computer, webcam, Internet service, and possess basic computer, Internet, and email skills.

ONLINE CLASS provides course content, assignments, and all assessments within the Canvas learning management system accessible through the student’s mylccc portal

  • Students are required to independently read the course content and complete the objectives of the class in the course modules based on the instructor’s guidelines and deadlines.
  •  Students are not expected to log into their Canvas online course at specific times or on specific days; however, students must log in often, as directed by their instructor, to be successful.
  • Online instructors may require the use of the many tools available in Canvas, such as Zoom.
  • Online class sections are identified on the Course Search by the letter N or XN. (for example ENG 105-N2). “Online” will be listed under the Location and the Site of these classes will be identified as “Distance Education.”  No times or days will be noted on the schedule.
  •  Online classes may also use Zoom
  • Students must have access to a computer, webcam, Internet service, and possess basic computer, Internet, and email skills.

HYBRID CLASS hybrid courses are designated with an HY and are a blend of more than one instructional format, such as: face-to-face PLUS online, remote PLUS online, or face-to-face PLUS remote. The course schedule will identify which days and times the course will meet either face-to-face or remote. Students must attend class on days and times designated for face-to-face and remote. For classes that include an online format, students will need to use CANVAS and complete assignments by the due date identified.

  • At least 50 percent of instruction occurs in a face-to-face classroom at the Schnecksville Campus or at the Allentown, Airport, or Tamaqua sites or in a remote virtual classroom such as Zoom.
  • Hybrid courses are identified on the Course Search by the letters HY (for example, PSY140-HY1). Students must have access to a computer, Internet service and possess basic computer, Internet, and email skills.

EXTENDED CLASSROOM combine a face-to-face class with a remote class. Instructor uses 360camera in the classroom and Zoom web conferencing system to conduct class. Students sign up for either the face to face or remote section.  Students in the remote section must have access to a computer, Internet service and possess basic computer, Internet, and email skills. Students in the face-to-face section, please see requirements for class.

FACE-TO-FACE STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES: Students meet in person with advisors, learning specialists, disability support specialists, counselors, librarians, admissions and financial aid representatives, enrollment coaches, tutors, recitation and success coaches at the Schnecksville Campus or at the Allentown, Airport, or Tamaqua sites.

REMOTE STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES: Students access the services of advisors, learning specialists, disability support specialists, counselors, librarians, admissions and financial aid representatives, enrollment coaches, tutors, recitation and success coaches, not by meeting in-person, but virtually, using software like Zoom, Google Hangouts, or by phone.